NYS DMV Online Certified Inspector Training Registration

Once registered, you must sign-in to take or return to any saved Pre-test, to view the training material, or to take an online DMV Final Exam.

PLEASE NOTE: For ALL groups applied for, you have one (1) year from receipt of the DMV mailed Online Certified Inspector Training instruction letter to complete:

(1) Training Material and Accept a Self-Certification Affidavit
(2) Pass the Pre-test with a score of at least %
(3) Pass an Online DMV Final Exam

You must wait 24 hours after passing the Pre-test to take the DMV Final Exam. If you fail to pass an online DMV Final Exam, you must wait 24 hours to repeat Steps 1 and 2 before reattempting to pass the online DMV Final Exam. You have 3 attempts to pass the online DMV Final Exam before waiting 30 days to restart all steps and reattempting to take the DMV Final Exam. Please see below.